In Uganda

Friday, August 04, 2006

Ganesh, uday, joseph, nithin, shivangi, pranith these r some cartoon characters which ll b mentioned in this blog coz these r my friends.
Ganesh is in Singapore n started a blog to keep us in touch of his routine life, n asked me to do the same. Lets c how ll i manage to do this. First of all this page is cheerily for my close friends, I am not at all interested in attracting r impressing other ppl to read this out, coz this is all bout our friendship n the days we r spending in kampala (Uganda)
U might have noticed that I started the page with this name called GANESH… hmmm
He is one of my best friend n I wanna dedicate this page to ganesh coz the reason is …..
When ever he drinks (he drinks regularly) he cant keep his mouth shut n persist wid his flurry topics n we have to sit n listen him till he feels sleeping (he never feel like sleeping) it drives us nuts…so this page which contains only crap n shit is dedicated to ganesh

Trip to kabale

Kabala is a nice place where a crazy good for nothing poet can give his poetry a final touch, n ppl like us good for every thing can drink non stop n enjoy the ambiance, its is located west side of Uganda near Rwanda border, n its around 600km from Kampala. The roads r very good of western Uganda compare to other parts of the country, a day before Easter we made a plan to go to kabala, next day we left Kampala around 6 pm in the evening. Ilyas ganesh uday n me fixed our self in a saloon car wid dim headlights wid a driver named ……. Sorry I don’t remember his name. so we travel good distance n we reached Mbarara at 11pm, the second largest town in Uganda where we had our dinner n drinks in a small Indian restaurant, ohhhh here I have a story of this restaurant it happen 3 months after our visit n still hounds uday, shivangi n her friends had a big brawl wid the restaurant owner who is quit simple n underived person, in josephs word u can call him a villager.
Instead of appreciating for getting Indian food in the deep of Africa, some of her crazy half baked moron friends made nasty affront comments on the service n food n I assume rest of them laughed their guts out as if it is a great Indian comedy show. But all this disgusting issue made udays life miserable, as he goes to that restaurant quit often, now he has to listen the whole story again n again from that restaurant owner before he gets his order. Hahahahahahah….

Next morning we left mbarara n we reached kabale, we got reservation in a resort called bunyori resort…… this is one of the best resorts I visited in Uganda a moderate restaurant 2 swimming decks a huge open garden n some nice tents around, me n ilyas went for swimming n shortly we joined by dozen of muzungu chicks our eyes sizzled as they ware on wid bikinis which can b easily fixed in a matchbox.. iam sure every one of us pretended as if we don’t give a dam shit to white bikini babes coz we don’t wanna look like a stray dogs who stares at a cram, I really feel we Indians has this habit of staring at some one which is very disgusting according to me, never the less ganesh captured some hot pics of those very hot chicks…..

In the evening we had a drinks session but before drinks ganesh performed a pooja as I have seen the priest in many temples he acted the same way wid some good mantras written n sung by uday, while we r drinking ilyas was busy wid muzungus playing around wid them I thought he really got fascinated by them. After finishing our drinks we too joined those whites to play pool, it was very cold out there as it was raining very heavily. We went to our cottages which ware located on the edge of the lake wid a beautiful view, when I woke up in the morning I heard uday saying some thing, I came out to check n I saw the shooting of a new episode of walk the talk (ndtv)

uday is imitating Rajdeep sardesai, ganesh is the guest on the show n ilyas is camara men…. These ppl looked very serious as the ware shooting, I still have that vedio clip in my laptop… no doubt that was one of our best outing in Uganda n last wid ganesh n ilyas. Really missing u guys…